Reset Profile Manager in OS X El Capitan

If you’ve needed to fully reset Profile Manager and you’re running OS X El Capitan and the server app version 5.1.5, you’ll not find a whole lot of information. Luckily the process is almost exactly the same as outlined for Mavericks in this official Apple support page. We only have to change the last line, because the shell script it refers to has moved in El Capitan. Follow these steps to fully reset the Profile Manager:

sudo serveradmin stop devicemgr
sudo serverctl disable
sudo serverctl disable
sudo mv /Library/Server/ProfileManager/Config/ServiceData/Data/PostgreSQL ~/.Trash
sudo mv /Library/Server/ProfileManager/Config/ServiceData/Data/backup ~/.Trash
sudo /Applications/

I hope this helps you out. Let me know if there are any problems.

Going Up Quickly


Time-saving Bash Techniques

If you are a nerd and love hacking away at your UNIX-like machine’s command line, then chances are you know that things can get really repetitive very quickly. One of my pet peeves is changing-directory upwards towards the root directory by typing cd ../../ or some such command. Some people alias two dots to the cd command to go up one level, 3 dots to go up 3 levels, or whatever. To me this is clunky. I wanted something more flexible. So up was born. up is a Bash function that takes one argument: the number of directories you want to go up. If you do not specify an argument, up will take you up one directory.

So if you are at /this/really/deep/directory/looking/around, instead of typing lots of dots and slashes to get to /this/really/deep, just type up 3. Simple and Quick. Unless you are really, really deep, you’ll probably only ever have to type a maximum of 5 keystrokes to go up to any level, whereas with cd, you’ll have to type ../ as many times as levels you want to go up. That’s at least 6 (5 if you leave off the trailing slash) if you want to go up only one level. There’s some Big-O notation just waiting to happen from that scenario.

Check out the code:

#! /bin/bash
function up () {
if [ -z "$levels" ]; then
# Test if $levels is a number; the -eq operator expects a number, and will
# output an error if one is not found. Any output the STDERR is redirected
# to the bit bucket (/dev/null)
if [ "$levels" -eq "$levels" ] 2> /dev/null; then
if [ "$levels" -eq "0" ]; then
for (( c=1; c<=levels; c++ ))
cd ../
echo up: expected a number, not $levels

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Include that in your .bashrc.

Very simple, but not without its problems. If you use the cd - command to go to the last directory you were in, this will break that because it cds multiple times. A solution to that is to build a string with the corresponding number of ../ entries you want to go up, then passing that as an argument to cd. I am sure there are more problems, and if you want to contribute to the betterment of nerdkind by improving the function, please fork my gist and issue a pull-request.

All My Dotfiles Are Belong To You

Under a Blood Red Moon

As I mentioned in my last post, I am a bit of a computer nerd. The last couple of months have seen my head buried in my Mac’s Terminal tapping out and learning old-style commands: grep this, ack that, and vim you. I say old-style but the computer terminal is still as current and as useful as it was back in the ’60s and ’70s when it was the only way to access computing power. Technically, Terminal (and other software like it) is not a real terminal, it is a piece of software emulating—or pretending to be—a terminal. There is even a terminal emulator available (for a fee) that looks just like an actual vintage computer screen—complete with flickering, fuzzy letters, and curved edges—called Cathode. It is visually spectacular, but a little OTT for me.

Sharing is Caring

I recently decided to join the growing community of dotfilers on GitHub, a web frontend for using git, a distributed version control system (VCS). VCSs are used where it is handy to keep track of files in a project as they change. At various intervals one commits changes made to the project into the local repository. This way, one has a record of all the changes made to a file over the length of time the project is worked on.

Using GitHub and git is a great way of sharing stuff, giving back to the community—it is a social coding site. It is also a great way of sharing stuff between one’s own machines, a bit like Dropbox but more nerdy. This makes it ideal to keep something like your dotfiles. All you have to do is upload (or push in git-speak) on one machine, and then download (or clone) your files on another. Et voila! You have your familiar environment set up and ready to go. What’s really great is that one can make changes on this other machine, push the changes to GitHub, and grab them on the original machine. Cool.

But What Are Dotfiles?

On a UNIX-like OS (think all the Linuxes, Mac OS X, and more I don’t know), dotfiles are simply files whose name starts with a dot, otherwise known as a full stop, or period. They are usually not displayed in a directory listing, or in file browsers like OS X’s Finder. Prepending a dot to a file’s name is a way of hiding that file from a basic directory listing.

They are use mainly for storing application settings and configuration data, or for data that shouldn’t be as easily accessible as a plain file. Some common dot-files are the so-called RC files, named after runcom files, of which .vimrc and .bash_profile (.bashrc on Linux etc.) are a few examples.

All My Dotfiles…

So anyhow, all that was just to say that I have my dotfiles on GitHub. I don’t expect that to make much if a difference to most of you, but you never know. I hope it does. Merry Christmas.